Thursday, November 11, 2010

Twin Telepathy; My Dream of a Nobel Prize Shattered

Twin Telepathy: My Dream of a Nobel Prize Shattered.

Let me start off by saying no I didnt think I was going to get a Nobel Prize but I had an Idea I wish I could have Researched! I am way to humble to think I would get a Nobel Prize.I am an undergraduate of psychology and I have read many psychologically related text books and will probably read many more. One of which was called Sketching the Outline: Dispositional Traits and the Prediction of Behavior. In chapter six of that text a shocking study was cited in depth, the infamous Minnesota Twins Reared Apart study. The studies goal was to differentiate what traits of an individual where genetic and which ones were environmental. The University of Minnesota gathered a group of about 350 sets of twins, most of which were reared apart and monozygotic (genetically identical, not all twins who look alike are genetically identical but most are). The evaluated the similarities of personality between the sets of twins, in fact the twins were not allowed to meet each other until they were evaluated separated.

The results; one set of twins both always had to walk into the ocean, or any large body of water backwards, one set refused discuss controversial topics, both of one set would not vote because they said they were not politically informed enough, and one pair of twins, both named Jim by their adoptive parents both became fire fighters, married a women named Betty, divorced her, and then married woman named Linda! That’s right both of them did all these things! These results are astonishing. Those that performed the study attributed these similarities to genetics and so do many other psychologists but I wasn’t so sure.

My text later cited a pie chart which illustrated the percentages of known factors of personality. It illustrated that 35% is from environment (what we experience), 40% is genetic, and that 20% is unknown. 20% unknown! So my question is how do we know to attribute these amazing similarities to genetics when there is probably at the very least a 20% margin of error. My hypothesis is altogether different.

I completely understand that genetics is a large factor for intelligence, how we look, what diseases we might face, I even believe that the “big five” personality dimensions, openness, conscientiousness, extroversion/introversion, agreeableness/stubbornness, neuroticism/level headedness, have genetic factors. But wait a sec, a firemen gene, a Linda gene, a Betty Gene, a name me Jim gene? That’s preposterous! Something about this conclusion sounds a extremely sketchy!

While reading my text I had this huge epiphany, what if these twins are so similar not because of genes but because of quantum entanglement, what if they are sharing information with each other through psychic means at a distance, i.e. telepathy! There has certainly been enough scientific research on things like clairvoyance and telepathy to say that it exists. This is well illustrated in Dr. Dean Radin’s book, an MIT graduate, The Conscious Universe: Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena.

My hypothesis is that there is most likely a positive correlation between telepathic connection between the twins and the strange similarities between twins reared apart! Due to their similarity in physical makeup they would theoretically have more quantum entanglement than other people. This would also theoretically allow them to communicate information at a distance and without normal sensory data extraordinarily easier. I even commented on Dean’s blog about this just last week but got no response.

I dreamed that one day I would be able to test my hypothesis until two nights ago when I was reading a book by the famous psychic researcher, former CIA remote viewer, and lazar developer, Dr. Russell Targ. In his book he stated that some of the most intriguing evidence for telepathy is from genetically identical twins! He goes on to mention a book called Twin Telepathy by Guy Playfield, which is here

I am a twin myself. I have a twin sister but she is not necessarily the same as I am we look different and have different interests. My younger sister and I have much more in common, we look a lot alike, we are both vegetarian, we both question things, we both enjoy and understand science and growing up we had a high degree of psychic abilities. At around the age of 8 (her) and 13 (me) we played a guess what objective I am thinking of game. The two rules were that it could not be in our field of vision and in no way could we hint at what is was. At least 60% of the time we could guess each others object. I have many firsthand experiences of psychic phenomena.

Because of this, I thought that I was the first one to recognize that these interesting qualities where likely not genetic and that they were evidence of something beyond our current understanding. I have searched Google Scholar and my university library database for studies on monozygotic twins and there psychic abilities. I found two papers and both had highly positive results but still this was only two studies and there would need to be studies done on twins reared apart to suggest that this was a factor in their similarities. Indeed the author of the book, Twin Telepathy, did many studies of psychic abilities on twins reared apart in the U.K. with highly positive results.

I thought that I had an original idea and that my idea would be strong evidence that psychic stuff (PSI) effects us on an everyday bases. If my idea could be verified than PSI would then be integrated into mainstream psychology, there would no longer be a parapsychology and a “normal” psychology, it would all be psychology. For this I would earn a Nobel Prize! It turns out someone has already done it and they are barely known. They haven’t even received a Pulitzer Prize let alone Nobel! My lesson; Big changes take time and your probably not the first person to realize something even if it’s not a mainstream idea quite yet. This will happen at their own pace.